Information appearing on this site may not be used for any FCRA regulated purpose including determining a consumer's eligibility for credit, insurance, employment or housing or for any other purpose covered by the FCRA. Black Book Online is not a credit reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and our search results are not consumer reports as defined by the FCRA. This website does not include all existing public record searches. Search descriptions, search content, and data through-dates may be mislabeled or otherwise inaccurate, incorrect or missing. Errors, including false "no hits," may exist in results returned. We make no guarantees, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of this data or service. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Your use of Black Book Online indicates your acceptance of the following terms and conditions: Use of this website is at your own risk. Los Angeles County, Marin County, Mariposa County, Mendocino County, Modoc County, Mono County, Napa County, Nevada County, Orange County, Placer County, Plumas County, San Benito County, San Bernardino County, San Diego County, San Francisco County, San Joaquin County, San Luis Obispo County, San Mateo County, Santa Barbara County, Santa Clara County, Santa Cruz County, Shasta County, Sierra County, Siskiyou County, Solano County, Sonoma County, Stanislaus County, Sutter County, Tehama County, Trinity County, Tulare County, Tuolumne County, Ventura County, Yolo County and Yuba County. Kings County, Lake County, Lassen County, Imperial County, Inyo County, Kern County, Includes Alameda County, Amador County, Butte County, Calaveras County, Colusa County, Contra Costa, Del Norte County, El Dorado County, Fresno County, Glenn County, Humboldt County, Search official county jail records to determine if a person is currently incarcerated. – Drop the written request in person or mail in the request to the court clerk’s office.Various Counties and CA Dept of Corrections and Rehabilitation via.– Attach a self-addressed stamped envelope with the requestor’s contact details.– Write or visit the clerk’s office for the request of the criminal records.– Visit the Lassen County Superior Court.Crime victims will only have to register to be able to access the VINE Link network.įor those who wish to obtain an arrest report, follow the instructions below: Aside from this, the Sheriff department is also connected to the VINE network which is a network that helps crime victims obtain accurate and real time information about criminal cases and the current custody status of the offender they are interested in. The Sheriff’s department also has a 24-hour secure adult detention facility which can house offenders or Correctional inmates. The Sheriff Office is one of the places that are worthwhile to visit if you are interested to check out Lassen County arrest records. Remember to include the contact information of the requestor as well as the details of the court case that you are interested in.Īside from the superior court, one can also check out other government agencies in the county.

Cost for a certified copy is $25 and each succeeding copy is $0.50 for a one-sided page.

Payment for the record varies and it is advisable to check the Statewide Civil Fee Schedule to know the updated fee(s).

Do note that court clerks are not allowed to provide information over the phone and as such it is important to visit or make a request for the reports that you are interested in.